Ilokhwe yamabhinqa eqinileyo egqithise ngombala oqhelekileyo weholide enemitya ilokhwe engu-V-neck ubude obuphakathi xa ithelekiswa neemveliso ezifanayo kwimarike, ineengenelo ezibalaseleyo ezingenakuthelekiswa nanto malunga nokusebenza, umgangatho, inkangeleko, njl., kwaye uyonwabela igama elihle kwimarike.D&I-M Women Clothing ishwankathela iziphene zeemveliso ezidlulileyo, kwaye ngokuqhubekayo ziphucula. Iinkcazo zelokhwe eqinileyo yombala oqinileyo wabasetyhini oqhelekileyo weholide kunye neentambo V-intamo ubude obuphakathi ilokhwe inokwenziwa ngokweemfuno zakho.
We are a factory specializing in the production of women' s fashion clothing, such as dresses, tops, pants, jackets, coats and other customized services.
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