Isinxibo esiprintiweyo, sikuvumela ukuba ukhuphe umtsalane wobufazi ngalo lonke ixesha. Ukuprintwa kwesi sinxibo sithambile kwaye sithambile, esincedisa ubuhle bakho. Nokuba ngumsebenzi wesinxibo saphakathi evekini okanye ixesha lokuzonwabisa langempelaveki, liqabane lakho lasekunene.
5. Shicilela iilokhwe zokongeza i-splash yombala kwi-wardrobe yakho. Ukuprintwa kwesi sambatho kugcwele ubomi kunye namandla, ukuze uzive unentembelo kuyo nayiphi na imeko. Ngezixhobo ezilula, unokwenza inkangeleko enesitayile kwaye ikhululekile.
We are a factory specializing in the production of women' s fashion clothing, such as dresses, tops, pants, jackets, coats and other customized services.
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